Microsoft Security Insights Show
The Microsoft Security Insights Show
Microsoft Security Insights Show Episode 196 - It's a celebration! Huh?

Microsoft Security Insights Show Episode 196 - It's a celebration! Huh?

Spirit of WiCyS

We take a short break in the Women in Cybersecurity month festivities to celebrate something else. You don't want to miss this!

Directly on the heels of the Copilot for Security GA announcement at Microsoft Secure, in this episode we highlight our co-host (or, co-pilot) and Copilot for Security expert, Andrea Fisher, and talk about what Copilot for security is, what it isn’t, and what it costs.

Show Notes/Links:

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Microsoft Security Insights Show
The Microsoft Security Insights Show
Hosted by Edward Walton, Raae Wolfram, Rod Trent, and Brodie Cassell, the Microsoft Security Insights show provides information, news, tips on the Microsoft Security Solutions including Microsoft SIEM and XDR and Copilot for Security.